We partner with our clients to ensure that the objectives of the National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998) and the associated regulations and strategies are realised and that water uses as described in Section 21 of the same Act receive licences. Water inputs and outputs into the various operational processes are identified and outputs are clearly understood during development of water balances. The impacts of the water uses, such as inflows into the workings and impacts of dewatering are assessed through geohydrological modelling to understand aquifer responses and potential impacts to other water users. The principles of water management, storm water management and pollution prevention are upheld during all the processes outlined below.
- Water Resource Management Studies;
- Storm Water Management;
- Applicability of Best Practice Guidelines ;
- Water Use Licensing;
- Flood line Delineation;
- Water Balance Studies;
- Water Quality Management (Including monitoring);
- GIS applications;
- Water Pollution Prevention Methods;
- Minimization of water retention on rehabilitated lands;
- Effective clean and dirty water separation; and
- Containment of polluted water.